Nau Mai, Haere Mai!
Kia Ora, Fakalofa lahi atu, Fakatalofa atu, Mālō e Lelei, Mālō nī, Bula vinaka, Kia Orana, Talofa, Aloha, Greetings and Welcome to you all!
Two decades ago, the founders of EcoQuest Te Rarangahau Taiao imagined a learning community where, through education and research, young, motivated people would become catalysts for sustainability.
Te Rarangahau Taiao has layered meanings. It speaks of the questing for the natural world. It also conjures up the idea of weaving relationships to form webs of knowledge for sustainability.
At heart, we believe well-grounded, well-rounded scientists and policy makers have a critical role in the kaitiakitanga of our planet; our programs are designed for this purpose. Good hearts, good minds, good science.
We run a range of activities for different levels, ranging from high school to adult education, as well as options for school camps (primary, intermediate and high school).
Current Options
Ecology in Action School Science Camps (1-5 day)
EcoQuest offers a range of O

Photos & testimonials from our April 2021 school science camp.
Science Taster (5-day School Holiday Programme)
We offer an exciting opportunity to attend a 5-day field ecology course at the EcoQuest Centre.
‘Experience Ecology in Action’ is for year 12 and 13 students. It is aimed at providing a greater understanding of ecology needed at level 3 biology and environmental sustainability, and to prepare students interested in pursuing biological and environmental sciences at university and other tertiary institutes.
At the EcoQuest Centre, you will learn about research projects led by our experienced faculty, and you will partake in the practical field work involved in conducting our research.
EcoQuest research has important community and conservation outcomes.

When: | to be confirmed |
Where: | EcoQuest Centre |
Residential: | Yes |
How Much: Minimum number: | $750 12 |
NZQA approved: | No |
Level: | n/a |
Credits: | n/a |
Photos & testimonials from our Science Taster.
Wānanga Pekapeka
In collaboration with, and supported by Auckland Council, EcoQuest has offered several wānanga pekepeka for rangatahi to learn about this amazing species.
Participants learn about the biology, foraging and habitat use, and survey techniques. We include a summary of EcoQuest research on pekapeka long-tailed bats to date.
We familarise participants with the main types of bioacoustic bat detectors for conducting bat surveys, and participants learn how to process and interpret spectrograms of bat echolocation data. an introduction to advanced bat survey methods and equipment such as harp traps is part of the wānanga, and we practice radio-tracking. We include an evening visit to a pekapeka hot-spot and an overnight stay at the EcoQuest field centre at Whakatīwai.
Our scientists enjoy teaching rangatahi the essential knowledge and skills to work with pekapeka so that the future of this taonga can be secured.

When: | Summer 23/24 dates to be confirmed |
Where: | EcoQuest Centre |
Residential: | Yes; 2 days, one night |
How Much: | $ TBC |
NZQA approved: | No |
Level: | n/a |
Credits: | n/a |
Predator Free Aoteaora Course
Content relevant to NCEA level 2 or 3 (one day course; additional courses available up to five days)
Students participating in this predator free course will learn how animal behaviour is considered when monitoring mammalian pest abundance, how to place tracking tunnels, calculate the relative abundance of mammalian pests and current methods and technological advancement in trapping.
This is a one day course, however an overnight stay is encouraged so that students can collect tracking cards they place out.

When: | TBC |
Where: | EcoQuest Centre |
Residential: | Depends on days selected |
How Much: | $ TBC |
NZQA approved: | No |
Level: | n/a |
Credits: | n/a |
A Season of Sustainability - Summer Workshops
Maize to Masa : Nixtamalisation
Hands on learning about the process of transforming maize to masa. An introduction to the equipment and techniques for making masa at home, and an exploration of cooking with masa, from tortillas to tamales and more.

When: | Summer 23/24 dates to be confirmed |
Where: | Golden Downs |
Residential: | No |
How Much: | $80 |
NZQA approved: | No |
Tutor: | Willy Cameron |
Shiitake Log Cultivation
An introduction to cultivating mushrooms on logs. Learn the process of growing your own spawn, selecting the right timber, and how to inoculate and care for logs through to harvest. Bring a drill, if you have one!

When: | Summer 23/24 dates to be confirmed |
Where: | Golden Downs |
Residential: | No |
How Much: | $80 |
NZQA approved: | No |
Tutor: | Willy Cameron |
Queen Rearing for Hobby Beekeepers
A practical course for hobbyist beekeepers interested in raising queens for their hives. Learn the theory and bee biology relevant to queen raising and get to know the equipment and procedures necessary for success. With this information in hand the workshop finishes with hands-on practice with the grafting tool and manipulating larvae.
Experience needed – must have at least 1 – 2 seasons of beekeeping. Successful completion of AFB recognition course desirable.
Equipment to be provided by participant on the day – packed lunch, writing materials, bee proof suit, gloves, boots, and hive tool

When: | Summer 23/24 dates to be confirmed |
Where: | Golden Downs |
Residential: | No |
How Much: | $80 |
NZQA approved: | No |
Tutor: | Scott Williamson |